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Writer's pictureVeronica Troso

A Clean Start: How to Toilet Train Your Puppy

Congratulations on welcoming a furry bundle of joy into your life!

Puppies are adorable, fun, and full of boundless energy. However, one of the first challenges you'll face as a new puppy owner is toilet training.

Don't worry; with patience, consistency, and the right approach, you can help your pup develop good bathroom habits. In this post, we'll guide you through the process of toilet training your puppy and ensure a clean start for both you and your furry friend.

Establish a Routine:

Consistency is the key to successful toilet training. Create a schedule for your puppy that includes regular feeding times, play sessions, and bathroom breaks. Puppies typically need to go out after they wake up, eat, and play, so be ready to take them outside during these times.

Choose a Designated Potty Area:

Select a specific spot in your yard or the area you've designated for potty breaks. Take your puppy to this area every time they need to go. The scent of their previous eliminations will help reinforce the idea that this is the right place.

Use Positive Reinforcement:

When your puppy does their business in the designated potty area, praise them with enthusiasm and offer a treat as a reward. Positive reinforcement helps them associate going in the right spot with good things.

Supervise and Watch for Signs:

Keep a close eye on your puppy, especially during their play and wake times. Watch for signs such as sniffing, circling, or whining, which could indicate they need to go. If you see these signs, take them outside immediately.

Be Patient and Avoid Punishment:

Accidents will happen, especially in the early stages of training. Never scold or punish your puppy for accidents indoors. Instead, clean up the mess promptly to eliminate the scent that might attract them back to the same spot.

Crate Training:

Using a crate can be a valuable tool in toilet training. Dogs generally avoid soiling their living space, so using a properly sized crate can help your puppy learn bladder control. Be sure to provide positive associations with the crate and use it for short periods.

Gradual Independence:

As your puppy grows and demonstrates more consistent bathroom habits, you can gradually allow them more freedom inside the house. Start by expanding their access to one room at a time.

Watch for Progress:

Puppy toilet training is a process, and it can take weeks or even months. Celebrate each success and understand that accidents are part of the learning curve.

Consult a Professional:

If you're facing severe challenges or your puppy doesn't seem to be making progress, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian for guidance.

There is no one better than Pupstarts for this job. Pupstarts was founded by Rebecca Walters. She is a 5-star licensed dog breeder, an ex-licensing officer, and a woman committed to changing the industry for good. She gives advice on dog breeding and educates owners and one of the courses she offers is the Puppy Pod.

Puppy Pod gives you all the vital information and training you need for the first critical weeks of your puppy`s life and makes sure to fill the emotional gap the puppy has from the moment you collect your furry friend from the breeder (or a rescue centre) to the point you start living together. It is only £50 and it is online so you can follow it at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

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